Sifu George Fitzgerald Says …
I am a fighter.
Every problem in life, every struggle, is merely a game for me
to enjoy and win.
I am an intelligent fighter, using the brain and instinct for
survival that was passed on to me by countless generations of
ancestors, a genetic gift, my inheritance.
I am a winner, because I refuse to accept defeat. I can only be
defeated if I give up, which I never shall.
Every success makes me stronger.
Every experience makes me wiser.
Every new fight gives me another chance to win.
And I enjoy winning.
To the timid, the approaching battle looks worse than to the
fighter. It is magnified by fear, but reduced and overcome by
I begin and finish a winner, because I know that all I have to
do is to stay strong and keep fighting, until I tire out the
That is the rule of persistence and determination – that the last
man on his feet is the winner.
Merely being prepared and willing to fight is my greatest asset.
I shall always strive to be a winner.